In a troubled world, a vision emerges: the World Harmony Collection. Carrying a cultural fusion, the World Harmony collection celebrates Moroccan design while honoring the peaceful aspirations of the Palestinian Keffiyeh.
In partnership with Poterie Serghini, each piece evokes 190 years of tradition and innovation in Moroccan craftsmanship. Their unique designs embody unity, diversity, and the quest for global peace.
The World Harmony collection merges craftsmanship with solidarity and design with peace.
Each piece you choose will contribute to supporting humanitarian action in Gaza. Let’s create spaces together infused with peace and harmony.

(*) Les actionnaires de la société Ateliers LYN s’engagent à reverser une somme d’argent correspondant à la totalité des profits liés à la vente de la collection LYN World Harmony à une association humanitaire active au profit de la bande de Gaza dans de le cadre de l’effort humanitaire déployé pour la société civile, enfants, femmes et adultes.

(*) Shareholders of Ateliers LYN commit to donating an amount of money corresponding to all profits from the sale of the LYN World Harmony collection to a humanitarian association actively supporting the Gaza Strip as part of the humanitarian effort deployed for civil society, children, women, and adults.

Due to the uncertain and changing security situation in the Gaza Strip, the list of associations benefiting from our humanitarian action may evolve. Our current list includes but is not limited to: World Food Program, Palestine Children’s Relief Fund, UNRWA, Save the Children, Doctors Without Borders. Proof of our participation will be provided to all individuals involved in this action.

Profits are defined as follows: amount equivalent to the turnover generated as part of this humanitarian action – production costs – electronic payment transaction fees – packaging costs – transportation costs.